Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Heart of the Matter: Coronary Artery Disease

There will be an upcoming series on Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) entitled "The heart of the matter". It is a teaching series of articles produced by Dr Ng and also the name of this blog.

The series will cover the following topics

  1. Understanding coronary artery disease
    1. Introduction
    2. Risk factors
    3. Atherosclerosis
    4. Conclusion
  2. Understanding angina – stable and unstable
    1. Silent CAD
    2. Angina Pectoris
    3. Unstable Angina
    4. Vasospastic Angina
  3. Understanding heart attacks
    1. Introduction
    2. What happens in an attack
    3. Signs of a heart attack
    4. What to do in case of a heart attack
    5. Case Study
  4. Preventive steps
    1. Heart Checks
    2. The first step is to see your doctor
    3. Echocardiograms
    4. The stress ECG
    5. Radionuclide scan
    6. Introduction to angiomgra
    7. Invasive angiograms
    8. Non-invasive angiograms
Once again, the blog is maintained by a web monkey while the doctor provides the knowledge. Both parties in the team welcome any comments or feedback the public may have in this endeavour. Thanks again for stopping by.

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