Monday, September 03, 2007

More Evidence on Abdominal Adiposity and CAD

The lastest issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology carry a study by the University of Texas, which again found an association between abdominal adiposity and CAD. They define abdominal adiposity as a abdominal girth in excess of 32 inches in females and 37 inches in males. They use calcium score on MSCT as an early index of CAD.

Instead of just measuring abdominal girth, they found that waist to hip ratio (WHR) was an even better index. This is of course not new news, as we have had many studies before which have taught us that WHR was a better predictor of CAD than just weight, or BMI alone. The Japanese have gone further that abdominal adiposity is associated with a lack of adiponectin and an increase in inflammatory markers, suggesting that the abdominal adiposites are actively promoting inflammation and lowering the protective effect of adiponectin.

Of course we are not forgetting that abdominal adiposity is also strongly associated with the metabolic syndrome, which is strongly predictive of CAD. Looks like the evidence here is very strong and fairly well worked out. What is even more encouraging is that reversing the abdominal girth also lessens the CAD risk, giving all us us with large abdominal girth, hope to better ourselves. There is also a follow-up study in UK which showed that if we walk briskly, for 15-30 mins daily can help lose our abdominal girth, lose our weight and also lessens our CAD risk.

Of course, it looks like the Italians will top us again. In the small Italian town of Varallo Sesia, a town of about 7,500 people, the Mayor has offered to reward any obese citizens of the town 50 euros for every 3 Kgs lost in a month and if you can maintain this lost for 5 months, you get another 100 euros. How about that. Needless to say, that many lined up to register. You must be medical certified, of course, before you can collect your money. Well there you are, obesity and shedding obesity, has its rewards, and not just CAD protection.

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