Sunday, June 04, 2006

Aspirin and diabetic women

It was in 1948 when Dr Lawrence Craven, a GP in California, noticed that the 400 patients whom he had given aspirin to, did not develop heart disease. This, of course, is a well known fact now.

In the American College of Cardiology annual scientific meeting in March 2006 and subsequently published in the NEJM, showed that young women of 45-65 years given aspirin, did not prevent their first heart attack, but did prevent ischemic stroke. Of course, we are talking about low dose aspirin, or aspirin in the 75-100mg range. Just to remind ourselves that there are many other ways where aspirin could help.

In fact we would like to re-emphasize that, apart from those with contraindications:

1. Anyone with heart disease should take low dose aspirin.

2. Anyone without heart disease but with 2-3 major risk factors for heart disease.

3. Anyone with suspected symptoms of a heart attack, should call for help, then swallow a low dose aspirin, or use subligual aspirin, while awaiting the arrival of the ambulance.

4. Anyone (males above 40yrs and females above 50yrs) with concommitant diabetes.

Contraindications to aspirin include :

1. Anyone with known allergy to aspirin

2. Anyone with known GIT bleed, peptic ulcer disease.

3. Anyone with known bleeding tendencies.

Of course, when you are in doubt, always ask your own doctor. This low tech medication has certainly save more lives then some high tech medicine, and it is so cheap.

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