Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 The return of this old cardiologist

I am about to retire and am thinking of starting a second cardiac opinion blog site. Being not very good at mass media and social media. I will begin by doing what I know.

Please be patient with me as I learn the ropes and develop this blog slowly.

However, I hope to be honest and share a very clinical view of cardiology, the anatomy, physiology and clinical condition and try and explain to all of you how your disease condition is caused and will evolve. 

Why this? Why now?

Medicine as a whole has become very profit-oriented for financial gain and I being old-fashioned, find it hard to accept that. My old professor taught me that medicine is to help people, make them well, relieve their pain and suffering, and ultimately return them back to society, their families, their jobs so that the world can benefit from their work, in big ways and small.

I also believe that while a doctor can care, check and treat a patient, for the few minutes that the patient is at the clinic, the patient has to understand his condition and take care of himself 24/7 and 365 days a year. So that empowering the patient is VITAL for all your long term health needs.

The other important reason why now? is because of severe commercialization in medicine and that there is as much "fake" news as there is "true" news. Clinical trials are also severely flawed because companies and even institutions, that fund research, after spending USD X million on a trial just cannot allow a trial to have negative results. They have to have some return on investment ( ROI ), even if that product is potentially harmful. The best example is the deadly covid vaccine. I should not elaborate too much here, as I may be de-platformed again.

So I will start writing and share thoughts with you all out there.

Maybe you can help me with your comments ( good or bad welcomed ). I sometimes learn more from critical comments than from praises.

I will try and start with the first return blog on 'The pathogenesis of the atheromatous plaque"

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