Saturday, August 13, 2022


1. How doctors failed the world.

Ever since the start the start of the covid pandemic, I have been very ashame of being a doctor, although I wrote and got myself de-platformed by our local mass media, and also facebook.

How did good doctors allow 1. The repeated lockdowns which severely damaged the economy of all countries in an attempt to eradicate and control a single stranded RNA virus ( which after 30 months ) we know will give us a mild cough and will kill <1% of those infected. In fact if you follow the projection of one expert epidemiologist, the ultimate mortality rate from covid 19 will be 0.2%. 

Even if we accept that covid 19 ultimate mortality is somewhere between 0.2-1%, the damage that we did to the economies  of all countries with our lockdowns  is incalculable. The poor have become much much poorer while the superrich has become super superrich. In fact those countries with minimal lockdowns had their economies minimally affected. Why did not doctors speak out louder against lockdowns? Yes, I signed the GBD ( Great Barrington Declaration ) but we also have another group of doctors who wrote against GBD.

How did we allow 2. The world to embark on a mass MANDATORY gene therapy against covid 19, with  novel gene shorts, with very very minimal safety data, not proven effective, did not control the spread of the infection, did not stop you getting the infection, and yet we allowed them to called those novel gene shots "vaccines"? If those gene shorts only make the infections milder, we all know from virology 101, that all viruses through passage across human host will either kill ( thereby stopping further spread ) or get milder. It was just a matter of time. GBD seeks rightly to promote focal protection ( which I believe is correct ) and the Swedes seek to allow minimal intervention and allow the virus to run its natural course. Well after 30 months, it sure looks like Sweden is correct.

Now we are hearing more and more reports of the harms from those gene shots. In fact there were reports that in some countries, those gene shots were killing more, than Omicron BA.5? We now also have to worry where those gene shit nanoparticles may end up? Will we be seeing a surge in Malignancies in the next 5-10 years ( in fact there seemed to be an increase in malignancies recently. What about kids 5 yr old now with those nano particles in the blood stream, bone marrow, testicles, ovaries, livr, cardiac sarcomeres, brain cells, and God knows where else. What evil have we done to them, and we had Malaysian doctors arguing with me over the safety of those gene shots. I supposed, they are sincerely ignorant or just medically naïve because they did get their own child get those harmful gene shots. Now that we have seen the Pfizer records released by FDA, we know that those gene shots are harmful, AND PFIZER KNEW IT. Some doctors appear on TV and talk shows actively promoting a harmful therapy. I am ashamed, even if these colleagues of mine were sincerely wrong. 

How did doctors allow 3. Them to ban the use of Ivermectin to prevent and treat covid 19?

Of course, those big pharmas want to make big bucks from patented drugs and want to ban cheap generics, when cheap generics were safer and  more effective in the prevention and early treatment of covid. I have been on it for 15 months now ( 2 tabs weekly ) and thank God, so far I am covid 19 naive. I can only guess how many thousands of lives Ivermectin would have saved. That cheap and effective drug that was so good against Loa Loa in Sub-Saharan Africa is also so good and so safe against SARS COV 2. 

How did doctors allow 4. Reputable medical journals to print articles written by pharmas using pseudo-doctors?  Through out this pandemic, we have seen the death of evidence based medicine. Clinical studies were manipulated to show whatever the "pharmas" want to show, using "Pharmas friendly" doctors. As the saying goes, there are always doctors who can be bought. It is a matter of the price, so doctors are no better than prostitutes, just a different trade. The medical world will never trust medical evidence again knowing that many are fake. That raises a new problem of fact checking to see which is true and which is fake.

Throughout this pandemic, I had a very hard time trying to reconcile data with basic medical science, to try and arrive at the truth. It was tough analysing data and basic medical science. But that is the oath that I have chosen. 

Drs Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins are no world renown virologist to tell the world how to treat and control Covid 19. They are probably the two most hated medical doctors who let the world down. They betray their calling.  They are traitors to our fraternity. But alas, they are very rich for doing that.

In subsequent articles I will try and see the next 21st Century paradigm shift. THE FALL OF THE GREAT USA. AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM IS OVER. 

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