THE PARADIGM SHIFT IN THE 21ST CENTURY -The end of American exceptionalism.
When I was a kid going to school, I thought so highly of the USA. After the 2 world wars, the USA became the dominant force and country in this world. They really know how to convince the whole world that they are a force for good and will save the world from all catastrophes. Their marketing and promotion of their country was superb. Whenever cowboys appear to kill the red Indians, we cheer almost as if good has overcome evil. Little did I realise that the Red Indians were the original people who own the land and the Americans from England were the transgressors who were the Imperialist who came to take over by force, the land of the Red Indians. It sure looks like the Americans were a very aggressive race, who likes to fight, conquer and take by force whatever they wish.
This trait was quite obvious in the 21st century as every American President since the 21st century has started a war against often innocent nations, just because they wanted, their oil, their minerals, or who did not agree with them.
The problem of American Exceptionalism
American exceptionalism is the problem. The Americans seem to think that they are God's special chosen people. They think of themselves as the light upon the hill. A nation called by God to police and save the world. In the 20th century, they use their soft power to try and win over the world. They had their "Peace Corp", they established good educational Universities with seductive names like "Ivy Leagues' and use their military budget to make inventions like the internet and digital world. Once they have the whole world "hooked" on them, they show their true colours in the 21st century. They became very arrogant. Because of their military might, their Naval fleets sail the oceans exerting their will. If you are not with me, you are against me and I have God's given right to punish you, either by way of sanctions, or even worse attack and bomb you to smithereens. You can see all the evidence around you. And if they do not like your government they send in their dirty tricks department ( usually that CIA band under the NGO of the National Endowment for Democracy ) to cause trouble, instigate the local opposition always waiting for the chance to stage a coup and regime change. They have done that all over the world. The best example maybe Ukraine. They have also change the government of Imran Khan in Pakistan, and they are working hard to change the government in Thailand. And they are continuing to do so in Taiwan, of which President Tsai looks like a CIA agent acting on behalf of USA. We can now easily see the ugly side of USA by :
1. Fake NEWS: BUT lately, we have seen their ugly side. The Covid pandemic showed us that their control of the mass media and spread of fake news has caused the world to have vaccine mandates, using injections which they falsely call vaccine ( when in fact it is gene therapy ), with almost no data of effectiveness or safety. Now after 18 months it is so clear that those gene shots did not prevent the spread of covid, did not prevent those getting those gene shots from getting covid. They claim that it made covid milder, but virology 101 will tell you that when viruses pass from human host to human host, it either kills them ( those lethal viruses ) or the virus loses its virulence and survive by getting attenuated losing some virulence ( milder ) so that it spreads more. They do this by mutating and so we now see more and more variants and sub-variants.
2. De-platform those who tell the truth. Although USA confesses to freedom of information, and transparency, in the 21st century, they have become dictatorial. They silence people who tell the truth ( remember Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange ) , they deplatform ( remove from alternative media and main media, those who try to speak the truth. Even small fry me, was deplatform 3x by facebook, and twice by MKini and oncc by Star, because I wrote things that did not conform with the official narrative. Looks like George Orwell 1984 is here.
3. They have lost all their values and sense of fairness and fair play. They kill Red Indians to steal their land, in the 18th century. Now they give arms by the billions to Ukraine so that Ukrainians can fight Russia to weaken Russia, using the lives of Ukrainians. When the whole world is asking for negotiations to end the war and save lives, the US is sending billions of sophisticated weapons to fight a war and get Ukrainians killed, till the last drop of Ukrainian blood. How wicked can you get.
And sadly, the Taiwanese cannot see it. They are instigating to fight till the last drop of Taiwanese blood, promising arms BUT not American lives. These actions are evil.
USA is a country with a 300 year history and they are trying to teach China ( a country with a 3,000 year history civilisation ) "rules based order"? How arrogant can you get? I really hope that China will teach them a big lesson.
4. Can we trust medical journals ( even reputable ones ) after how they have published lies, remove articles of well studied work, in this covid pandemic. It is so obvious that big Pharma did not tell the whole truth with their gene shots and drugs, yet they faithfully publish their half baked findings and refuse to publish good scientific studies tell tell an alternative narrative.
Looking back, they also tricked us about understanding and treatment of hypertension, and understanding and treatment of hypercholesterolemia. Can we trust evidence based medicine as a whole, knowing that the world capitalist world is corrupted by the greed for money.
4. It is all about money.
How do you trust a country when their system of election is based on raising money from the Military Industrial Congress Complex MICC ). To get elected cost millions of dollars. The industry, especially the the MICC and the big pharmas donate millions towards their election funds. After they win, of course those who have donated millions to them will come calling to ask for favours, to get back their return on investment. This is CORRUPTION, straight and simple, but it is all legal. This results in USA becoming a plutocracy. The ordinary man in the street gets to put a ballot into the box, once every 4 years. BUT the people have no say. The rich donors ( MICC and Pharmas ) control congress and the president. When war becomes profit making, you can only expect more wars and more lives lost, because it is a business. As long as lives lost is not in your country. That surely cannot be right. Kill more Ukrainians, I make more money. Kill more Taiwanese, as long as I make more money. How does that sound to you?
This paradigm shift will surely destroy the world. It is so sad. Yet, we in small Malaysia cannot do anything about it. I suppose except pray for divine intervention. With so much high tech very powerful missiles flying around, it does take just a small miscalculation, to destroy the whole world.
That is the world that we find ourselves in, in the 21sst century. Sad but true.
I was born in the 20th century and this 21st century is surely a severe and deadly paradigm shift bringing the whole world to the edge of destruction.
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