Tuesday, September 18, 2012


It is obvious that stress, especially job stress, increases the risk of heart disease generally by about 23%. A recent study, published in the 14th Sept issue of Lancet, gave us more insight into this issue. Dr Mika Kivimaki and colleague from the IPD work consortium ( an international group ), looked into the individual case records of about 200,000 individuals without heart disease who were enrolled in 13 clinical trials across Europe. They were looking for their responses regarding work, how they handled their work stress especially regarding schedule of work and demands of work, and also their ability to make decisions regarding their work, their position of responsibility. These individuals were then followed up for about 7 years, to see how many of them developed heart disease.
They found that job stress contributing to heart disease was higher in the lower skilled workers group, when compared to professionals. The risk of heart disease was estimated at about 3.4% more than those who had little work stress. They also found that there was less stress in those with less demanding job, and also those who could make decisions had less stress.
However, the stress factor contributing to heart disease was very much lower then cigarette smoking. Meaning that if someone stops smoking, he/she reduces his rsik of heart disease by 36% when compared to some one with job stress, who can reduce his / her chance of heart disease by a factor of 3.4%.
Basically a job that is less demanding, and one where you have a say, is probably the best job for you, especially when you are in the CAD risk group, like me.
Basically, happiness in your job helps and reduces heart disease. Pay is another matter altogether again.

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